Cub Scouts can gain a number of awards and badges

Below are some of the different awards that Cubs can work towards:
Activity Badges
Many of the badges available are activity badges, these are designed for Cub Scouts to show their progress in existing pursuits, but also to give them the chance to try new things and form new interests.
Challenge Awards
These are designed to be that bit more ambitious. They may involve completing tasks at the group, in the community or maybe even at home. The badges follow a number of themes, some are physical, some are more outdoors, whilst others are about the community or the world in which we all live. They are as the name suggests, designed to challenge young people, but completing them is a great achievement.
Chief Scout's Award
The Chief Scout's Silver Award is the highest award which can be gained by Cub Scouts. In order to attain it, Cubs must have completed six Challenge Awards by the time they are ready to move on to Scouts. They can, if necessary complete this in the early stages of being in the Scout section.